Exhibits & Displays

Shown below are pictures of some of the items and exhibits in the museum.

Church and School

This room contains items related to Sacred Heart Catholic Church and the community's two schools--Sacred Heart Catholic School and Muenster ISD.

Church & School

Research Room

This room contains numerous items that might aid a person wanting to research the history of our community--newspapers, photographs, scrapbooks, biographies, family histories, school year books, and obituary cards among other items.

Research Room


This room contains uniforms and other items from the men and women of Muenster who have served in the United States Armed Forces.



This room displays equipment from the doctors, clinics, pharmacies, and hospital that have served the community.


Aggie's Kitchen

This room contains antique kitchen equipment. The stove in the kitchen is wood burning and was used by Aggie's mother.

Aggie's Kitchen

Outdoor Exhibit

Our outdoor exhibit area contains a variety of antique farming equipment as well as a pump jack from the 1920s.

Outdoor Exhbit Area

Other Items

These pictures show other items on display throughout the museum.

Other Items